A JOURNEY TO THE SOUTH: DISCOVER CORIGLIANO ROSSANO CITY International Language School is organising a free journey to the south of Italy on the 14th of January 2024. The visit includes the artistic and cultural attractions of Corigliano-Rossano, a thriving coastal town in Calabria, one hour away from Cosenza. The tour in English is enriched by […]

International Language School promotes artistic expression in English The diligent students of the Class “Beginners” at the International Language School have dramatised the Irish legend “Giant’s Causeway”. The giant McCool (or Fionn Mac Cumhaill) – Irish – and the giant Angus (or Benandonner, according to other versions of the story) – Scottish —, always rivals, […]

Study Holiday 2022 – Just an amazing experience!

International Language School has organised a memorable study trip to the UK this summer. A further exciting moment of growth for ILS students. A study holiday was spent at the prestigious University of Sussex, located in the charming seaside town of Brighton, a short distance from the British capital, London. An exciting adventure for the […]

Corsi ed esami ECDL

Corsi di preparazione ed agli esami ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). Le attività, in collaborazione con il Themes Formation Center, si svolgeranno presso la sede della International Language School, a partire da gennaio 2022. Le iscrizioni sono aperte. Non perdere questa occasione. Crea il tuo radioso futuro!

Goldsmiths ELF is on YouToube.

Ms. Ida Parise is a member of the Research Group in English as a Lingua Franca based at Goldsmiths University of London. The Institution has got a YouTube channel dedicated to ELF-related content dissemination. Follow us!

Use your Carta del Docente voucher at ILS

International Language School offers to its customers the opportunity to use their Carta del Docente voucher to access its services. Do not hesitate to contact our offices for any further details of the offer. Contact us at the following number: + 39 3389478367. Carta del docente voucher

Use your 18app Voucher at ILS

INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SCHOOL offers to its customers the opportunity to use their 18app voucher to access its services: https://www.18app.italia.it/#!/.   At the time of the purchase of our services, you can claim your Bonus Cultura – 18app.   Don’t lose this opportunity! It lasts until the 28th of February 2021.

Our Language Courses go online

International Language School offers its wide range of language courses online. You can study English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese in an international environment from the safety and comfort of your home.   In reference to the containment measures to limit the COVID-19 emergency, all International Language School courses have been implemented online. The safe […]

ILS at the 9th International Conference of ELF

English as a Lingua Franca 9th Conference: Ida Parise`s research presentation Mrs. Ida Parise, member of the teaching staff in the International Language School (ILS), located in the southern Italian town of Rossano ­‑ Calabria, participated in the 9th edition of the renowned International Conference concerning the use of English as a Lingua Franca hosted […]

ILS at CERLIS 2016 International Conference

CERLIS 2016: Ida Parise`s research presentation Mrs. Ida Parise, member of the teaching staff in the International Language School (ILS), located in the southern Italian town of Rossano ­‑ Calabria, participated in the renowned International Conference concerning the special language of tourism hosted by CERLIS University of Bergamo, Italy from the 23rd to the 25th […]

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